
Emergency and Crisis Management

Most companies think that they are ready to cope any sudden crises or incidents or accidents with their normal organizational processes. In reality, this is usually not possible!

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Emergency Response Exercise

Realistically performed emergency exercises can have a number of very important and comprehensive tasks and represent part of a fundamental crisis / emergency management system…

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Notfallkoffer 1400

Emergency and emergency plans

When seconds count,  training makes the difference! It is essential for a company, …..

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Safety Management

AeroXpert has specialized in the development of safety management systems for various industries. We believe that a safety management system ….

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Business Cont klein

Business Continuity

AeroXpert consults you with your business continuity requirements. So that you can stay active during the crisis.

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Accident Investigation

As an university-trained and certified aircraft accident investigator Thomas M. Friesacher is available for the investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents.

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